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Determination ofapplicable toMethodTime per testApproximate price of the device Additional costs Downloads
Alcohol all wines and juices REBELEIN-Alcohol / Alkohol (mini-distillation+titration), combinable with REBELEIN-Sulfur / Schwefel and -Sugar / Zucker 10 min about 1.650€ 3,00€
Alcohol all wines and juices POLYDEST water steam distillation / Wasserdampfdestillation 15 min about 5.450€, plus alcoholometer for 100ml of distillate (120€) 0,10€
Alcohol all wines and juices Laboratory Distillation / Probedestillation (+ areometry of the distillate) 45 min about 400€, additional heating source (electric heating plate (about 310€) or propane gas burner (about 95€)) and alcoholometer (about 75€) 0,10€
Malic / Lactic acid all wines MLF-Test (Paper chromatography) 5 min + 2 x 1 h Wartezeit about 155€ incl. reagents and consumables for approx. 100 measurements --
Demand of bentonite all musts and wines BENTOTEST (rapid test, evaluation of turbidity) 10 min about 140€ incl. reagents for about 50 deteminations --
Protein stability all wines and juices Protein test / Eiweißtest (rapid test with protein detection reagent) 3 min + falls nötig, 2 h Wartezeit about 30€ ca. 0,45€
Protein stability all wines and juices Heat test / Wärmestest (textbook method) 5 min + 3-4 h Wartezeit Incubator ca. 0,30€
Demand of ferrocyanide young wine Blue fining test / Blauschönungstest (rapid test, evaluation of colours) 30 min about 540€ incl. reagents for about 50 determinations --
CO2 / carbon dioxide all not sparkling wines Veitshoechheim CO2-Cylinder / Veitshöchheimer CO2-Zylinder (shaking cylinder) 5 min about 95€ --
CO2 / carbon dioxide all sparkling wines Aphrometer / CO2-Druckprüfer 5 min from about 150€ --
Density all wines Density Areometer / Dichtewaage (Extract spindles, measuring ranges between 0,9800 and 1,1000g/ml) 3 min about 120€ plus spindle cylinder from about 20€ --
Density all wines Hydrostatic balance 7 min upon request --
Volatile acids all musts and wines Waedenswil Method (portable still with alcohol burner) 15 min about 390€ 0,70€
Volatile acids all musts and wines Semimicro Method / Halbmikromethode (Water steam distillation still with propane-gas-burner) 20 min about 735€ 0,70€
Total acidity white and light red musts and wines Look for TITROFIX-Total Acidity, please! 1 min 0,30€
Total acidity white and light red musts and wines TITROFIX-Total Acidity / -Säure (titration with change in colour, burette with scale g TA/L),
combinable with TITROFIX-Sulfur / -Schwefel
1 min about 200€ 0,30€
Total acidity all musts and wines Electrometric determination of total acidity / Elektrometrie-Gesamtsäure (titration with distillers-pH-meter) 2 min about 480€ 0,20€
Viable counts clear beverages Vacuum membrane filtration (+ incubation of the nutrient discs, count of the colonies) 10 min (3 days of waiting time) upon request 3€
Viable counts clear beverages Microscopy 5 min upon request --
Cristal stability (calcium and potassium tartrate) all wines Conductomety / Konduktometrie (conductivity for the estimation of saturation temperatures) 15 min about 1.600€ incl. reagents for about 150 determinations --
Copper all wines CUVI-Test according to Dr. Würdig (colorimetric reaction in a mixing cylinder) 5 min about 42€ 2,00€
Must weight (°Oechsle) all musts Oechsle areometer / Mostwaage (without / with intergrated thermometer, scale 0-130 or 0-230°Oe) 3 min from about 15€, plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€ --
Must weight (°Oechsle) all musts Brewbrain Float (hydrometer (-30 until +200°Oe), swimming in the fermenting wine, with thermometer and WiFi for the continous control of the fermentation) 0 min 125€ --
Must weight (°Oechsle) all musts Brix-Oechsle-areometer / Brix-Oechsle-Waage (scales 0-25%mas, 0-105°Oe or 0-32%mas, 0-140°Oe ) 3 min about 38€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€ --
Must weight (°Oechsle) all musts Handheld refractometer / Handrefraktometer (analogous, with / without thermometer / automatic temperature compensation) 1 min from about 110€ --
Must weight (°Oechsle) all musts Digital handheld refractometer-Handrefraktometer (with automatic temperature compensation) 1 min ca. 480€ --
Total phenols all musts and wines PHENOLFIX-Test (mini-titration with change in colour) 2 min about 85€ incl. reagents for about 100 determinations --
pH-value all musts and wines Distillers pH-Meter / Brenner-pH-Meter (portable set incl. pH-elektrode, expandable for the determination of total acidity) 1 min about 290€ --
pH-value all musts and wines Portable pH-meter / Hand-pH-Meter (set incl. pH-electrode, expandable for the determination of total acidity and sulfur) 1 min about 740€ --
pH-value all musts and wines pH-Meter table instrument / Tisch-pH-Meter (expendable for the determination of total aciditry and SO2 / sulfur) 1 min about 750€ plus about 250€ for pH-electrode and buffer solutions --
Residual sugar all wines Kielhoefer-areometer / Restzuckerspindel according to Dr. Kielhöfer 2 min about 40€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 13€ --
Residual sugar young wine Oechsle areometer / Mostwaage -10 up to +20 °Oe (evaluation of the end of the fermentation) 3 min about 40€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€ --
Residual sugar white and light red wines Tablet-test for residual sugar / Restzucker-Test (evaluation by colour) 2 min about 55€ incl. test-tablets for 36 determinations --
Residual sugar all wines REBELEIN-Sugar / -Zucker (mini-cooking+titration),
combinable with REBELEIN-Alcohol / -Alkohol and -Sulfur /-Schwefel
5 min about 975€ ca. 2,50€
SO2 free and total white and light red wines Look for TITROFIX-Sulfur, please! 1 - 15 min 1,50€
SO2 free and total white and light red wines TITROFIX-Sulfur / -Schwefel (titration with change in colour, burette with scale "mg SO2/L"),
combinable withTITROFIX-Total Acidity/ -Gesamtsäure
2 - 7 min about 375€ 1€
SO2 free and total all wines REBELEIN-Sulfur / -Schwefel (mini-distillation+titration),
combinable with REBELEIN- Alcohol / -Alkohol and -Sugar / -Zucker
2 - 15 min about 1000€ 1,80€
SO2 free and total all wines SO2-Autotitrator (Automatic titration and determination of the end point, for total SO2 after alcaline hydrolysis) 5 - 20 min about 1.180€ 1,90€
SO2 free and total all wines Electrometric determination of sulfur / Elektrometrie Schwefel (titration with Hand- or Tisch-pH-Meter),
combinable with Electrometry-total acidity / Gesamtsäure
2 - 15 min about 1.300€ 1,50€
Temperature all musts and wines Thermometer (analogous / digital / infrared) 1 min from about 17€ --
Temperature all musts and wines WiFi-thermometer (thermometer, swimming in the fermenting wine, for the continous control of the fermentation temperature and the specific gravity) 0 min 125€ --
Turbidity all wines and juices Rapid test for pectin, starch, glucanes / Pektin-Stärke-Glucan-Test (evaluation by colour / turbidity) jeweils 3 min about 60€ incl. reagents for about 50 determinations --
Turbidity musts and young wines Turbidimeter (measuring range 0,01-1100NTU) 1 min about 825€ --
Untypical aging off-flavours young wine Würzburg / Würzburger UTAFIX-Test 5 + 5 min (3 days of waiting time) about 70€ incl. reagents for about 50 determinations --
Tartaric acid all wines Photometric method according to Dr. Rebelein 7 min upon request 2€
Sugar, reducing all wines and juices REBELEIN-Sugar / -Zucker (mini-cooking+titration),
combinable with REBELEIN- Alcohol / -Alkohol and -Sulfur /-Schwefel
5 min about 975€ ca. 2,50€

Legend Product Information    Safety Data Sheet    Product Specification

Determination ofDetermination forMethodTime per testcosts Downloads
Fruits Starch Iodine-starch-test / Jod-Stärke-Test: Reagent glass with dropper cap for the rapid detection of starch in fruits, fruit mashes and stillages of starchy raw materials 1 min about 13€ for about 200 determinations
Fruit juice / Filtrate of not yet fermented mash Must weight (°Oechsle) resp. extract (%mas) Oechsle areometer / Mostwaage / Saccharimeter: Without or with integrated thermometer, scale 0-130°Oe 3 min from about 15€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€
Fruit juice / Filtrate of not yet fermented mash Must weight (°Oechsle) resp. extract (%mas) Distillers refractometer / Brenner-Refraktometer: Tough, handy instrument with scale 0-32%mas / 0-140°Oechsle 1 min about 145€
Mash Temperature Thermometer: Analogous / digital / infrared 1 min from about 16€
Mash pH-value pH-test sticks / pH-Stäbchen: Estimation of the pH-value in light coloured mashes and filtrates (pome fruits, grain) 1 min about 22€ for 100 test sticks
Mash pH-value Distillers pH-Meter / Brenner-pH-Meter: Easy to use digital instrument, portable set including a tough pH-elektrode and buffer solutions 1 min about 290€
Fermented mash Residual sugar (fruits) Tablet-test for residual sugar / Restzucker-Test: Simple rapid test for fermentable sugars (residual sugar) in fermented fruit mashes 2 min about 55€ for test set incl. 36 test tablets, 36 tablets separately about 36€
Fermented mash Residual sugar (grain) MEDI-Test: Test sticks for the detection of fermentable, residual sugar (glucose) in fermented mashes of starchy raw materials 1 min about 16€ for 50 determinations
Fermented mash Fermentation degree (%mas) Saccharometer for the degree of fermentation / Saccharimeter für den Endvergärungsgrad: With integrated thermometer and correction scale for temperature, scale from -1 up to +7 %mas 3 min about 38€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€
Wine / filtrate of fermented mash Alcohol (estimation) Vinometer: Capillary made of glass for the approximative estimation of the content of alcohol in wines and filtrates of distilling mashes 1 min about 14€
Fermented mash Alcohol Laboratory distillation / Probedestillation: Laboratory glass still, condenser cooled by tap water, areometry of the distillate 45 min about 400€, plus heating source (electric heating plate (about 310€) or propane gas burner (about 95€)) and alcoholometer (about 75€)
Distillate Heads components Heads separation test / Vorlaufabtrennungstest: Easily applicabe testset with glass ampoules, visual evaluation with color comparison card 3 min about 87€ for the testset incl. reagents for 10 determinations; set of reagents for 10 determinations separately about 65€
Distillate Cyanides Cyanide-Test / Schliessmann CYANID-Test: Test set with teststicks and 3 reagents for the examination of fresh distillates of stone fruits; measuring range cyanides: 0-30mg/L 5 min about 100€ for 100 determinations
Distillate Alcohol Alcoholometer for the still-receiver / Vorlage-Alkoholometer: 17 or 26cm long, with different scales 3 min from about 15€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€
Distillate Alcohol Overview-alcoholometer / Übersichtsalkoholometer: With integrated alcoholometer and correction scale for temperatur, different ranges of scale 3 min from about 30€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€
Blending water Water hardness DUROVAL-Test: Simple, reliable testset including two reagents 2 min about 37€ for testset incl. two reagents for about 100 determinations, reagents separately about 18€ each
Fruit spirit Cyanides Cyanide-Test / Schliessmann CYANID-Test: Test set with test sticks and 3 reagents for the examination of fresh distillates of stone fruits; measuring range cyanides: 0-30mg/L 5 min about 100€ for 100 determinations
Fruit spirit Cyanides CyanoQuant-Test: Test set with 5 regants for the examination of stone fruit distillates and stone fruit spirits; measuring range cyanides: 0-0,7mg/L 10 min about 365€ for testset incl. reagents for about 200 determinations
Fruit spirit Methanol Spark M-20 10 min distribution only in germany
Distilled spirit, free of soluble extract Alcohol EU-Alkoholometer: With integrated thermometer; Klasse III with measuring range of 5%vol (f.e. 35-40%vol); Klasse II with measuring range of 10%vol Messbereich von 10%vol (f.e. 40-50%vo 3 min from about 75€ plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinderfrom about 10€
Fruit liqueur Pectin Test for pectine / Pektintest: Rapid reliable test for pectin in fruit juices 3 min about 21€ including reagenz for about 50 determinations; refill-reagent separately about 12€
Liqueur / spirit containing soluble extract Alcohol Laboratory distillation / Probedestillation: Laboratory glass still, condenser cooled by tap water, areometry of the distillate 45 min about 400€, plus heating source (electric heating plate (about 310€) or propane gas burner (about 95€)) and alcoholometer (about 75€)
Liqueur / spirit containing soluble extract Alcohol POLYDEST water steam distillation / Wasserdampfdestillation: Rapid distillation still with integrated steam generator, cooling with tap water, areometry of the distillate 15 min about 5.450€ plus alcoholometer for 100ml of distillate (about 120€)
Spirit bottle Filling volume Measuring flask for filling volume / Messkolben zur Kontrolle der Füllmenge: With certificate, several volumes between 20 and 1000ml 2 min from about 90€

Legend Product Information    Safety Data Sheet    Product Specification

Determination ofDetermination forMethodTime per testcosts Downloads
Vinegar Total acidity Tiration stand Vinegar / Titriergerät Essig: Titration with change in colour (stand with staff and burette, very accurate results) 2 min about 245€ incl. reagents for around 20 determinations
Vinegar Total acidity Acidity cylinder for vinegar / Säure-Test für Essig: Titration with change in colour in a scaled shaking cylinder 2 min about 70€ incl. reagents for about 20 determinations, refill-reagent for about 10€
Vinegar Residual alcohol Laboratory Distillation / Probedestillation: Distillation of neutralized sample in a glass-still, condenser cooled by tap water, areometry of the distillate 45 min about 400€, plus heating source (electric heating plate (about 310€) or propane gas burner (about 95€)) and alcoholometer (about 75€)
Fruit juices Must weight (°Oechsle) Oechsle areometer / Mostwaage: Without or with integrated thermometer, scale 0-130°Oe 3 min from about 15€, plus spindle cylinder / Spindelzylinder from about 10€
Fruit juices Must weight (°Oechsle) Handheld refractometer / Hand-Refraktometer: Tough, handy instrument, without or with automatic compensation of the temperature, different ranges of scale 1 min From about 150€
Fruit juices Total acidity / extract / must weight Oechsle-acidity-test / Oechsle-Säure-Test: Test set including shaking cylinder (for determination of acidity), areometer scale (0-130°Oe) and titration-reagent / Säuretest-Reagenz 2 min about 65€ incl. titration-reagent / Säuretest-Reagenz for 10-20 determinations, refill-reagent separate about 8€
Fruit juices Total acidity TIROVIN-system for total acidity / TITROVIN-Gesamtsäure: Test set with cylinder for titration and storage basket for the reagents
Note: Combinable with TITROVIN-Schwefel<
1 min from about 55€ plud test reagent
Fruit juices Temperature Thermometer: Analogues thermometers made of glass in different versions and measuring ranges, infrared- and digital-thermometers 1 min From about 16€
Fruit juices pH-value pH-test sticks / pH-Stäbchen: Estimation of pH-values in pH-Wertes in light coloured juices, mashes and wines (pome fruits, white grapes) 1 min about 22€ for 100 test sticks
Fruit juices pH-value Distillers pH-meter / Brenner-pH-Meter: Easy to use pH-meter with digital display as portable set with tough pH-electrode and buffer-solutions 1 min about 285€
Fruit wines / ciders Alcohol (estimation) Vinometer: Capillary made of glass for the approximative estimation of alcohol (%vol) in wines and filtrates of distilling mashes 2 min about 14€
Fruit wines / ciders Alcohol Laboratory Distillation / Probedestillation: Distillation of a neutralized sample in a glass-still, condenser cooled by tap water, areometry of the distillate 45 min about 400€, plus heating source (electric heating plate (about 310€) or propane gas burner (about 95€)) and alcoholometer (about 75€)
Fruit wines / ciders Residual sugar Test for residual sugar / Restzucker-Test: Rapid test for fermentable sugars (residual sugar) in wines and filtrates of fermented mashes 2 min about 55€ for testset including 36 test tablets
Fruit wines / ciders Must weight (°Oechsle) Brewbrain Float: digital hydrometer (-30 until + 200°Oe) with thermometer and WiFi for the continous observation of the fermentation by a smartphone 0 min 125€
Fruit wines / ciders Total acidity TITROVIN-system for total acidity / TITROVIN-Gesamtsäure: Test set with shaking cylinder for titration and storage basket for the reagents
Note: Combinable with TITROVIN-S
1 min from about 55€ plus test reagent
Fruit wines / ciders SO2 ("sulfur") TITROVIN-system for Sulfur / TITROVIN-Gerät für Schwefel: Test set with cylinder for titration and storage basket for the reagents
Note: Combinable with TITROVIN-Gesamtsä
2 min from about 55€ plus test reagents

Legend Product Information    Product Specification    Price information

ItemVersion / TypeNoteDownloads
Product Range: devices
Product Range: plastic parts
Product Range: Laboratory glassware
Product Range: tubes
Product Range: Miscellaneous
Product Range: laboratory stand accessories
Product Range: Consumer goods